Another pause

I’m struggling again. I’ve not written much this year – 10k words or so on the third book in the Navigator / Parasites series – and although I’ve sort-of kidded myself that I’ve been focusing on promotion for Wild Court, I think I need to hit pause for a bit. The words aren’t coming, and when I look back at what I’ve done, well, some of it is ok, but other parts just feel clunky. So I’m going to pause on it for a bit and have a think about what I really want to be writing.

And in all honesty, it’s possibly a number of factors hitting me all at once. I’ve never really gotten on with summer – I’m much more of a spring / autumn person – and the hot temperatures in the UK leave me feeling drained and lacking energy. I’ve managed to settle professionally for a bit after a few wrong moves, but I have some family goings-on that also require my attention.

I also suspect that simply pressuring myself to write one thing and one thing only (although I have occasionally dipped into my old novel re-write) has had the opposite effect and just made things grind to a halt. So I’m going to be kind to myself for a while, think about what I’d love to write rather than what I should write, and see where we get.

Although I’m sorry that it’ll mean a slower resolution to Kael and Alessia’s adventures, hopefully it means a better one in the fullness of time!


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